Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Position on a Proposition

Recently I learned that the worst thing a person can say is "This issue has nothing to do with me." If you are discussing who your roommate is sleeping with, or or how your sister raises her kids, then your position is most likely accurate. However, if the discussion is centered around big-ticket issues that affect your region, state, country, world- then it is a borderline crime to not choose a side.
Let me begin by saying I am not gay. I am a female who, coincidentally, is engaged to a man. Together we are expressing our love and binding ourselves in a contract that will ensure protection for each other should one of us pass away. A contract which ensures that if one of us has health insurance, the other can also receive it. Together we are agreeing to love each other eternally til the end of our time. AND we are doing so in a church.
Lucky us.
To think - If my future father in law had passed the "X" chromosome instead of the "Y" chromosome, none of this would be happening.
Proposition 8 was first voted on by the people and they passed it. I firmly believe the majority should not be the spokespeople for a minority's human rights. In fact human rights shouldn't be voted on at all, they should be given freely.
Then the California Supreme Court had a chance to rebuke the proposition, but did not. This decision has me wondering which documents run this country, the Constitution, or the Bible...
Homosexuals are human beings. They have MY skin, MY blood, MY heart. They should have MY rights. They live this one life, just as I live my one life. They should be allowed to express their love as freely as I am able to express mine.
Now don't get me wrong. I am not some bleeding-heart-gay-groupie (ok, i kind of am, but work with me here) The bottom line is MY rights are also at stake here too. Martin Luther King Jr said, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." And its true. Injustice is a disease. As i watch people try to rationalize this ABSOLUTE loss of freedom for the homosexuals, i implore ALL people to recognize that if we give this country an inch, they WILL take a mile. What right will be next on their list? Who will be the next victim?
People are saying, "oh we will just have to wait until 2010. then we will have another shot" Well, I would remind them of Thurgood Marshall who said, "Justice too long delayed is justice denied." NO ONE should have to live ANY length of time with the disease of injustice.
We CANNOT dictate each other's choices in a country where we want to believe we are free. We MUST trust each other and ourselves that progress will not destroy us as a people, but better us in the long run.
Most of all, NEVER believe this issue doesn't affect us all.

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